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Monday, June 14, 2010

Skewers, Shish-Ka-Bobs, whatevers

So when summertime rolls around, I know I'm not the only one that turns the grill on and doesn't look back all season, and well into the winter. I don't even late rain discourage me from my love of the grill.

One of the easiest ways to make a meal on the grill is by stabbing chunks of food repeatedly with wooden spears. AKA skewers. Not only are they the simplest way to cook a whole meal and incredibly versatile (almost nothing is exempt from a skewer--I've impaled slices of corn, fruit, par-cooked potatoes, squash, and any manner of protein), they also are a great way to stretch ingredients. A single chicken breast will make at least 4 skewers when combined with veggies, meaning single serving of meat can be stretched to 4 or so.

Don't get me wrong--I'm not opposed to eating meat, not at all. We are animals, and it's a natural way of the world for animals to eat other animals, as any particularly gruesome Discovery Channel show will demonstrate. This is just my opinion, just one opinion among many, and nobody has to agree with me.

That said, we treat food animals despicably, for the most part. More people much smarter than me have talked at length about how inhumane the industrialized meat industry is to the animals who pass through it, and I don't need to recite their findings here. I'll just say that I'm trying to make an effort to reduce the amount of meat I eat, especially supermarket meat, and instead buying from the Green Grocer or the farmer's market ethically raised meat.

Tonight I'm stretching one chicken breast to 3-4 servings by skewering it with red peppers, red onion wedges and slices of nectarine, brushed with a soy-terriyaki glaze. Serving it over a bed of arugula (CSA) tossed with rice vinegar and sesame oil. Maybe some brown rice too...if i can figure out a way to grill it!

Pictures (hopefully) coming soon...

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