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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Leftovers from another mother

I am a leftovers queen.  I feel almost morally bad throwing food away and have been known to eat yogurt months past the "sell by" date.  FYI, in my view, that "sell by" date is in no way, shape or form an expiration date--it's a cover-your-ass maneuver by supermarkets and brands to make sure they don't sell you anything that might be near spoiled.  So they "sell by" whenever, and people get all aghast and disgusted if you take a sip of the milk a week later and deem it acceptable to use.  Seriously, people, the date is not the gospel.  Six days past the date don't matter--get to KNOW your food, look at your food, and decide if it's spoiled.  I'm pretty sure spoiled milk and rotten eggs will let you KNOW they're spoiled.  And cutting the mold off cheese and using it anyway isn't gross, its resourceful and thrifty, and just really wasteful if you don't. 

Of course, I'm talking straight out of my ass here, so it's probably wise to do whatever makes you feel comfortable.  But the only time I've ever had food poisoning was from a restaurant, so I'm doing fine so far with these methods.

Yes, anyway, Internet, back to the subject at hand: LUNCH.  A big ol' meeting in our office on Tuesday resulted in several leftover catering trays of chicken breasts, asparagus and fingerling potatoes.  I loaded up a spare Tupperware (yeah, i keep Tupperware in the office. You never know when the opportunity to scavenge will arise).  I brought it a container of CSA lettuce this morning, then chopped up all the stuff and made myself a big ol' salad with some leftover balsamic vinaigrette, potatoes reheated on the side. Pretty, pretty, pretty good. 

And asparagus, I love you, especially when you announce your presence in the bathroom 3 hours after being consumed.  Yeah, I went there.  And I LIKE IT.

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