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Monday, June 21, 2010

Breakfast of champions...

Yogurt and cheerios!  My mom used to feed us cheerios with yogurt instead of milk, to make them all stick together and more spill-proof.  When I was little, however, I called this particular combination "princess food." I would stir it all together in a big bowl and imagine wandering my castle in a big, poofy dress.  My tastes--food, habitation, clothing--have changed a bit since then.  

Not too much, though--I still eat it with regularity.  I love yogurt, but I almost always need to have something crunchy or other-textured mixed in or on top of it.  I have a hard time with food you just swallow without chewing.....

Note also that the yogurt in the photo is six days past its sell-by date, and, three hours later, I'm still hale and hearty as ever. 

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