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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

....and we're back!

Long weekend in NYC with 8 of my favorite girls left this bachelorette a little brain-dead and sleepy the past couple of much so that I resorted to an all-frozen, prepared food dinner last night (Trader Joe's chicken egg rolls and orange chicken over Uncle Ben's boil-in-bag brown rice, with CSA broccoli on the side) but now I have returned to my senses and am back in the, kitchen. 

This week's CSA haul (thanks to A who picked it up for me Sunday, when I had completely forgotten...)

1 head red curly-leaf lettuce
1 bunch spring onions
1 big bunch of curly-leaf kale
1 large head of broccoli
3 giant garlic scapes

I first was introduced to garlic scapes last year from this same farmer.  They are the tops/shoots of the garlic plant.  Cutting them off helps the garlic bulbs grow, but they also are good to eat.  You can cook them like asparagus (cutting off the woody bottom ends) or use them for their garlicky green flavor in other dishes.  Julia shared a garlic scape pesto recipe that I tried last night...more details to come. 

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