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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Did somebody say sundae party?

Jesus christ.  In a moment of weakness before lunch, I spent 10 minutes searching aroudn my purse, desk, floor, etc for a dime.  One little dime.  See, I had 45 cents, and the bag of sun chips I wanted from my office's snack machine are 55 cents.  Who knew a dime could still buy so much?

Then I realized that I don't really want to eat sun chips.  I think I do, but the healthy kale & rice I brought will serve a body much better than sun chips (especially after I added the leftover caramelized onions and browned pancetta from last night's flatbread feast...mmmm).

Yes, willpower won over.  That, or the fact that I remembered we have an ICE CREAM SUNDAE party at work today...let's see how willpower does with that challenge.  (I'll be happy with a small sundae. I don't need 500 spoonfuls of hot fudge...keep repeating that.)

Today's lunch--remainder of Monday's Kale Au Gratin doctored as described above, and some cherries.  I need some more cherries.

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