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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Garlic is my only friend...

OK...I think I'm going to have to call that garlic scape pesto a bust.  Maybe I went too far down on the stalk's roots; maybe the arugula's bitterness is what's overwhelming me; maybe I'm just not used to eating anything made with the recommended amount of olive oil.  But between the overpowering pungency of the garlic, a strange, off-putting bitterness, and the overabundance of olive oil...I don't like it at all (although it was much better cold yesterday than heated up today).  Yet I still have about 2 servings left in the fridge, and I'm going to have a hard time throwing them away for no reason other than the taste...

Oh, well.  I brought 1/2 the head of red leaf lettuce from this week's haul for a salad, had a hard-boiled egg and some dried cranberries too.  I didn't eat much of the pasta...but I may have had a small bag of chex mix to make up for the carbs I was missing.  I can't go without them!

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