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Monday, June 14, 2010


In last week's CSA share (first of the season)...lots and lots of greens!

1 bag not-quite-baby spinach
1 bunch of flowering chives
1 bunch of rainbow chard
1 head red leaf lettuce

And the fun begins! For those who don't know, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. CSAs are programs where members of the public buy "shares" from farmers at the beginning of the growing season. In return for purchasing a share, you get a weekly or bi-weekly basket of whatever the farm grows or produces in return. It is a great way to support local growers and farmers while helping them plan ahead for their crops, knowing a certain amount is already bought. It also exposes you to all sorts of new veggies--the type you might not otherwise buy at the market.

My CSA farm, Peasant's Plot in Mateno, IL, is a smaller farm, so their shares are the size of maybe 1/2 of a regular share from a larger farm. This size is perfect for my 2-person (and one boxer) household.

The most joy I get from my CSA box is thinking up new recipes and ways to use all my vegetables in a week and trying not to let anything go to waste. Another benefit is getting to know farmers, a dying breed, and doing a part to help them stay in business. Julia, 1/2 of the Peasant's Plot husband-and-wife duo completed by Todd, always sends out recipes and hints for how to use the usual and unusual veggies they grow. As a first-time CSA-er last year, I found her so friendly, helpful, and eager to get to know her shareholders. She always sends out recipes that I can't wait to try. After all, who knows the food better than the person who grew it?

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