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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Radishes Redux

Am I the only one who likes real food for breakfast?  Breakfast food just doesn't seem to fit at breakfast time.  I love eggs, but they're usually  not the first thing a body craves in the morning.  Cereal rules, but it's much better as a midnight snack than the day's first fuel.  We all know the proverbial (my proverbs all relate to food) "cold pizza for breakfast" idea, but I don't think it's weird to eat pizza, and much more, for breakfast.  Like Ms. Food Pornographer, I'd rather reheat last night's dinner than cook an egg.  Unless it's the weekend, and I've slept in until 10, and then I'm ready for a giant omelet....already off track, and only 5 sentences in.  Sweet.

Moving on, I thought my breakfast today was rather tame.  Until two different coworkers noticed me fixing something, wrinkled their noses, and said, "Radishes...for breakfast?!"  Yes!  Almost through the batch of radishes, a feat made solely my own since A won't eat them, owing my success mostly to the "discovery" of radish-n-butter sandwiches.  Why are they so good?  It makes no sense.  Wait, I see.  Butter.  (Not a lot though!)

Rounded out with an apple and black office coffee.  Yes, it's Styrofoam.  Yes, it's horrible.  I have my own coffee mug, but I left it sitting out on my desk all night with milky (OK, non-dairy creamer-y) coffee in it, and it needs a good long soak in the sink before it's in drinkable shape again.  Forgive me, environment and Interwebs.  I do have a nice metal water bottle (take THAT office fridge full of plastic water bottles!) that you all would have seen had I used a wider angle....morally justifying my beverages.  I need to chill out with the self righteousness today. 

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