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Monday, June 21, 2010

An inspiration

So I'm not a food blogger--I'm still using a camera phone 50% of the time to upload shots; my kitchen is basically devoid of natural light to get good shots with my real camera; my style is more projectile brain vomit than eloquent food prose).  I'm a reader of food blogs, and one day perhaps I'll be more than just a casual eater posting about what she eats and wants to eat and has eaten and will soon eat, but for now I just take my inspiration from those who came before me....

Like Deb of Smitten Kitchen, who posted the most delicious-looking recipe for Bread and Butter Pickles this weekend.  Pickles--and really anything involving sour, pickled, vinegar flavors--are a major weakness (of which I have many, food-wise and otherwise...)  I dare you to make these today, and then send me a jar.  Or I'll have a project when I get home...

Bread and Butter Pickles on Smitten Kitchen

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