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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I love bread.  Period.  It makes me actually personally offended and irate when I hear people promoting the Atkins BS diet.  Because there is just no way in hellio that eating that much animal fat, saturated fat, dairy fat, and cholesterol, while eliminating whole grains and fruit from your diet, can ever, EVER be construed as healthy.  Sure, it may trick your body for a while and cause you to lose weight, but it sure as shit ain't HEALTHY.  But, I guess we have this idea that thin=healthy, so whatever means to that end must be good for you, right?  Does. Not. Compute. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I eat far too much refined white flour and sugar, and probably not enough whole grains and fructose, but I try.  But if a bagel comes sneaking my way, there is just no way I can resist.  Something about that chewy crumb gets me every time. 

Leftover 1/2 everything bagel from yesterday's Au Bon Pain order + 1 Tbsp veggie cream cheese + leftover OJ + black coffee = hey, hump day isn't so bad after all!  The fact that I motivated (or A motivated me) to get to the gym this morning makes that 1/2 bagel totally earned and extra delicious, too. 

Clearly I haven't enough patience to properly focus my shot (too tempted by the bagel's lusciousness, I suppose), hence why you see blurry seeds but a perfectly clear grocery list in the background. 

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