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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

This week's haul

1 bunch sweet orange carrots
1 large head red leaf lettuce
1 small bunch purslane
1 large bunch red russian kale
1 bunch rainbow chard
1 small bunch french breakfast radishes
1 small bunch basil

Another new veggie!  I'd never heard of purslane, but Farmer Julia informed me that it is one of the only vegetables that contains omega-3 fatty acids. See what Wikipedia says about it.  It's a bit tart and even salty, and she advised me to throw it into a salad along with other greens.  SO I made a salad for lunch today...and totally forgot to throw it in. Oh, well.  After a raucus and food-filled 4th of July weekend, I'm much needing to refocus myself on healthy eating and restrained all those greens will come in handy!

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