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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Food Confessional

What didn't we eat this weekend?

Started the Fourth of July party on Thursday, hosting an old friend and sissypants for a bbq.  Some Great Lakes witbier and Brooklyn Brewery lager did well to keep us cool on a hot summer evening while the grill worked on smoked chicken sausages, sweet italian sausages, a packet of spicy chipotle potatoes, and shucked sweet corn.  All of which was less than necessary, seeing how we had all commenced to gorge ourselves on chili-cheese dip supplied by sissy and her BF (hormel chili and velveeta: the highest form of dining possible).

Friday we did the gorging at A's parents' house out in the suburbs--hummus, guacamole, cheese, salami, chicago dogs and some incredible spinach/garlic chicken sausages from Caputo's...followed by GIGANTIC strawberry floats in blue glasses, a nice red-white-n-blue way to start the weekend.

Saturday, friends from the burbs came into the city for palomas, a bocce game, and then a bar food feast...Sunday's eating was less epic.  I bet you could say we ate a normal amount of food that day (although we likely consumed an abnormal amount of beer...)  Wait. I take that back.  We went to Piece and split a medium red pie with sausage, spinach and mushrooms.  We did manage to take 4 slices home, so I suppose that could be labeled as restraint.  The people around us seemed to be as much in favor of bingeing as we were--we saw two tables of two normal-sized people order two larges--and a large pizza at piece is roughly the size of a car tire.  It actually made me feel a bit lighter.

Monday, monday....beached it up, welcoming teh day with an ice cream cone before heading to a new diner for breakfasty lunch.  Continued chowing on leftovers all day, some leftover pizza, and watermelon (we've eaten 1/2 a watermelon in 3 days).  It has become disgusting how much food and beer is no longer here because of us.

Moving on....tried to start the day off a little better today.  Got up early, went for a run with pups, then packed a big salad for lunch. After exercise (or, more honestly, anytime) I must have carbs at breakfast, so I breakfasted on the last hard-boiled egg and some leftover potatoes.  Sorta healthy (not a bagel!) but not the whole-grain english muffins I bought, either. At least I was using up some leftovers....

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