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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hotel Food, day two

Work meetings continue...

But buffet lunches are fun!  Hotel food is never the greatest, in my experience, but there is just something I love about a buffet---sheer volume of food, of course; all the choices, all the many dishes to sample; trying to strategically organize the plate to allow as much to fit on it as physics allow. It's endlessly entertaining...and delicious.

Trying to eat healthily at a hotel buffet, however, poses many more challenges.  Yes, large vat of mayonnaise, cheese platter and salami tray, I see you all.  But my 1/2 slice of whole-wheat bread, dijon mustard and smoked turkey don't need any of your glamor right now.  Potato salad, chicken salad, oh how I adore thee...but just a tiny scoop of you will have to do, since I have to give the majority of my plate to the greens and veggies--mixed baby greens, sliced cukes, radishes, carrots and cherry tomatoes, with a bit of balsamic vinaigrette.  See--not too bad.

I may have eaten a cookie, although since nobody saw me do it did it even really happen?

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