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Monday, July 26, 2010

I grilled last week

But friends, let me tell you...I was not meant to work over 15 days without a day off!  SERIOUSLY!  I mean, come on.  I barely cooked, I barely slept, I barely resembled human for over two weeks, and all that I can think about now that I'm finally in teh warm afterglow of a true weekend is...I need a vacation!  One short month....

Anyway, I did manage to turn the grill on sometime last week during our prolonged 98-degree+humid heat spell.  Because nothing quite says summer like burgers, and if it's going to be sauna-like outside then I say let's celebrate it!  It will be in teh negatives, snowy and ice-covered before we know it, which makes a little sweat not quite so bad after all.

These weren't special burgers, just some leftover hand-formed patties I had frozen a while back, plus some vinegared cucumbers and grilled summer squash sliced that were tossed with chipotle oil and seasoned salt.  Damn, but doen't that just look like summer?

Now, if I only knew why I've been craving soup for the last two weeks...perhaps gazpacho is in order!

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