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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Plum Lucky

English muffin, toasted, spread with a teensy bit of peanut butter and jelly, with two mini yellow plums. I don't remember the variety--something that started with an "s".  I'm sure that's very helpful to all you plum enthusiasts out there.

I suppose I am a plum enthusiast.  A friend once told me he'd never tasted a plum (seriously, never?  a plum isn't an odd sort of fruit, is it?  perhaps he grew up in prehistoric antarctica)  For me, though, it's been all plums all summer long since before I can remember.  They're up along the top of my fruit food chain, along with pears, nectarines, and cherries.  At the farmer's market this weekend the plums were out in full force, and one vendor had probably six varieties all lined up in cute little do you choose among the plums?  Sweet, juicy flesh and tart skin combine into the most perfect fruit. And I like to suck on the pits, too.  You know, that last sentence taken out of context could easily have come from a Harlequin bodice-ripper novel with Fabio on the cover...

Having said "plum enthusiast," now I have to picture what a plum enthusiast would do with their time and how they would celebrate their love for plums.  Tree-climbing festival? (Top plum wins!)  Plum-mashing contest? (on second thought, that internet video makes me rethink this train of thought...)  Perhaps I'll just stick to celebrating the humble plum the way the Korean do---by making it into plum wine.

Or, paraphrasing Mitch Hedburg, I don't want to be known as a plum enthusiast.  I'm just a girl who likes plums.


  1. If that were the plum you had given me, I would still have never tasted a plum...that looks like a lime to me...or maybe a misshapen golden (not-so) delicious apple.

  2. it wasn't my favorite plum, but i love all plums, so i loved it.
