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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

And she's back!

Last week really put a damper on my best intentions.  I worked out all of ONCE all last week, I cooked dinner perhaps twice, and let's just say that I didn't entirely resist the cookies and chocolate croissants that beckoned from every catering platter in every room of every meeting I attended.  Damn those professional pastry chefs and their evil plans for world domination...or just domination of my waistline, which grew an inch or so last week.  I blame all the salt--when you don't cook for yourself, it's nearly impossible to keep tabs on salt consumption, leading me to feel a bit pickled, bloated, and dehydrated...

But, all that said, at least I did work out once, and while i may have eaten a cookie I didn't eat any chips, cheese, or mayo (aside from a tuna sandwich one day) ... and I maintain that working 12-hour days, hauling ass around a huge hotel from meeting to meeting, and the stress that all of that work entails probably did a fair job in burning a few extra calories.  Still, though I made an effort not to just give in to the fatty that lives in my brain, it's really remarkable how much worse you feel when you are eating food you don't normally eat--tons of carbs, tons of salt, too few green veggies and fruit.  And just too much of everything, probably. 

Well, it's over, and though I haven't had a day off in 2 weeks (almost....I'm exaggerating to gain sympathy, internet, so let me play my world's smallest violin for just a little longer), and though I missed my CSA pickup this week (tears!  I had to work through the pickup window), I did finally make it to the grocery store for the first time this month, meaning I can once again start cooking...and A doesn't have to eat a whole bag of salted peanuts in the shell for lunch again, as he did on Sunday. 

So what did I eat for lunch today?  ....Au Bon Pain.  Wait a second...didn't I just spend three paragraphs ranting about eating restaurant and prepared food, and now that I have real ingredients I go and eat leftover Au Bon Pain?  Yes, reader, I did.  Do you know why?  It's a word puzzle. FInd the word that explains why.

Leftover.  You did it!  Yes, I could not let leftovers be thrown away (nor could I miss a free lunch) so when yesterday's meeting ended, I scavenged 1/2 a grilled chicken pesto sandwich with lettuce, tomato, red peppers & feta, and filled up a tupperware with some leftover salad (romaine, radicchio, tomatoes & cukes).  A pickle somehow found its way into my lunch bag too.  No, I don't remember saying anything about eating too much salt.  

Tomorrow I leave again for a trip to DC, where cuz and I will rendezvous for dinner of either fondue or Ethiopian...will I be brave enough to take photos in public where somebody possibly could be watching me?  Wait and see, internet.  Wait and see.

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