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Monday, August 23, 2010

This week's haul

1 large bunch Rainbow Chard
1 pound Red Potatoes
3 ripe red Tomatoes
1 huge bag Basil
2 huge Summer Sqash
1 large Zucchini
1 big bunch carrots

A heavy bag this week!

I love my CSA.  I do.  I love their story, I love their easy going personalities, I love the little touches that make it more familial, like inviting participants to participate in the farm itself, not just in the pick-up days.

However, I'm on the fence about renewing next year.  Is it bad that I want more variety?  I want more...of everything else.. Maybe it's just the late summer, "I have far more zucchini than I know what to do with," blues.  But I'm thinking about switching.

Larger farms--although still local, still organic (in practice if not "certified" via lengthy, red-tape-filled governmental processes), and still very, very small compared to mechanized agriculture--can offer subscribers a wider variety of vegetables, herbs, fruits and even eggs.  Though different from week to week, my current CSA share has a grand total of probably 15-20 different items, whereas others offer upwards of 35-40.  Having cooked more kale and chard this year than I ever want to again, I'm just thinking about exploring other options, options that give me more options.  Yet I can't shake the feeling of betrayal, having been with my farmers for two seasons now.

Sigh.  These are not weighty problems, I know.  But it's weighing on me this AM.

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