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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ho Hum

Usually before I make a grocery list, I have to go through several steps. I compile a list of those things I know we're out of, which I usually keep track of on random scraps of paper strewn randomly throughout the house--although my fancypants new phone has a grocery list app that is making this process a whole lot smoother.  Then I go through my collection of torn-out and earmarked recipes to see what I feel  like making that week.  Finally, I sort through an envelope of printed-out and clipped coupons to see whether the stars align and the things I need are things I have coupons for.  Once I get to the store, I am pretty good about stickign to the list and only getting sucked in by one or two tantlizing options. Although I never feel bad letting the produce section win those battles--I feel like finding a use for a new fruit or veggie is a lot better than finding a home for a stray package of oreos...

One recipe I'd clipped out cam from Bon Appetit and has been waiting patiently for its chance to shine.  I love sweet + savory combination, so I thought this mix of pork tenderloin, bok choy, and tangerines in a sweet chili sauce would be right up my alley.  The only problem was...I was underwhelmed.  Part of me blames that pesky food photographer who took this photo---sometimes I find myself drawn to food photos before I even read the recipe.  This is not a smart way to find your next favorite meal.

By my own admission, I took liberties with the recipe, so perhaps it can't be blamed.  First, I didn't want to eat citrus rind today, so I peeled my tangerines first.  As a result, they sorta melted into the dish and lost their pretty half-moon appeal.  Second, I didn't have thai sweet chili sauce, so I used some sweet & sour sauce mixed with some chili garlic sauce (both from the asian aisle, so i thought it would be fine).  The resulting dish was a bit too sweet, and just not really to my taste, although I liked it more than A, who made the comment that somebody else would probably love it.  It just didn't work for us.    Really, it wasn't that bad...I just didn't think it was that good either.  And when you have roughly 4 trillion recipes earmarked to try, only the best make the cut and get to stay in the recipe binder indefinitely.

But, I've linked the recipe in case anyone wants to try...

Pork Tenderloin Stir-Fry with Tangerines and Chili Sauce

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