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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tater Salad, part deux

This tater salad, I love.  But it starts to get "tacky" after a few days, so it's best eaten right away or within a few days.  I think the lighter sour cream, lacking a lot of fat, dries out a bit.  If you want, mix 1/2 mayo with 1/2 sour cream to keep the dressing smooth, but I honestly like it better without.  Your call. So flippin' delicious. 

Baked Potato Salad
2 Russet/Idaho potatoes, either cubed or leftover baked potatoes, chopped
1-2 Tbsp white vinegar
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
4 strips bacon
3 scallions, thinly sliced
2 Tbsp chives, minced
1/2-2/3 cup light sour cream
Salt & pepper

1. Boil potatoes in salted water until tender; drain.  Toss hot potatoes with vinegar and allow to cool.

2.  While potatoes are cooling, cook bacon in a skillet until crispy and drain on paper towels.  Crumble into little pieces.

3.  When potatoes are cool, mix them in a bowl with cheese, bacon, green onions and chives; add sour cream until salad reaches desired consistency.  Serve!

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