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Monday, August 2, 2010

This week's haul

In this week's basket...

1 big bunch purple carrots
1 bag mixed salad greens/baby lettuces
1 heirloom cucumber
1 zucchini
1 summer squash
2 green peppers

My parents were in town this weekend for a visit and my third bridal shower (I am very, very lucky to be surrounded with generous family & friends!)  My mom and I walked the 2.5 miles to the farmer's market to pick up this week's haul, and, having powerwalked so far, felt entitled to do a little extra shopping! 

The first stall we hit was the cheese stall--how can you not stop at a place that holds out a bag of cajun cheddar cheese curds and offers you a sample!?  Pups got his fair share of sniffs along the table's edge as we examined all the varieties...habanero jack; chipotle cheddar; dill havarti....but we settled on a horseradish & chive havarti, and kept moving.  We eyed a double-chocolate muffin to take home for dad, who was reading and enjoying  a lazy Sunday morning at home.  We got him some raspberries as well--our shared favorite berry.  And a few heirloom tomatoes rounded out our haul, consumed out $20, and filled up our bag...which we then got to cart the 2.5 miles back.  Totally worth it.


  1. You bet it was totally worth it. Good thing we only brought $20.00. We would have had to call dad to pick us up and pups.

  2. I know! It is dangerous going to the market with cash..and hungry! It was so much fun to walk around it with you though. xoxo
