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Monday, August 9, 2010


So I've been a bit remiss these last few weeks in terms of in I haven't been.  Oh, faithful internet, you do not know it but in 2.75 weeks I'll be walking down an aisle and saying a couple of choice words, then hosting a giant party afterwards.  Needless to say, time seems short and slippery, and lazy days of cooking and thinking about food have involuntarily been ceded to planning, figuring out details, last-minute crisis-solving, and thank-you-note writing.  At least I actually like doing one of the items on that list...

In the future, fall months I hope to pick up more frequency and creativity and really build up the photos (and my food photography abilities, which are currently nonexistent.  C'mon, I use my camera phone half the time when I have a super-nice camera of my own) and to add a bunch of recipes, both my own and pulled from the stack of food magazines I've acquired through the years and can't bring myself to throw away.  Through these two pursuits, hopefully I'll beef up my actual cooking chops, too.  Or just get really good at lifting a fork...

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