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Monday, November 29, 2010


Contrary to the carols that now stream endlessly from every easy-listening radio station and elevator, Thanksgiving is the most wonderful time of the year.  A holiday centered on FOOD, family, and appreciating what we have.  Adding to the food-centric splendor, Thanksgiving also kicks off a month-long holiday season leading up to Christmas, the reason why I never mind winter's return every year.  
Thanksgiving is over, alas, and my favorite food-centric holiday is but a memory (unless you count the extra gooshiness around my waistline, which will take a bit longer to fade away).  Surprisingly, I did very little cooking this year, as we had two sets of parents and siblings all pitching in to create one spectacular feast.  We started off they day with some cranberry Prosecco fizzes, samples of two batches of home-brew beer, and a spread consisting of a sweet-n-spicy brown sugar snack mix with wasabi peas and cranberries, smoked gruyere, water crackers, prosciutto, Reem's chipped beef dip, and a brie in puff pastry with almonds and apricots.  I can take credit for a batch of beer and the brie - recipe for the latter coming soon.
Several hours after letting this initial feast settle, we dove into the main event - fresh turkey with cranberry shallot glaze, roasted sweet potatoes with sugared pecans, three kinds of dressing (cranberry cornbread; traditional oyster; sage and mushroom), fancy green bean casserole, apple cider gravy, and grandma's rolls (another recipe on its way).  So much much much much love.

Until I get the few recipes posted - including my most favorite to-date leftovers sandwich - I leave you with simply the eye candy that was our spread of food.  I hope all of your holidays were as memorable and filling as ours.

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