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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ensalada Mexicana

That salad I spent far too much time on yesterday trying to make the write up entertaining, informative, or at least not so entirely self-indulgent as to alienate my non-existent readers?

Well, today's lunch is it's bastard cousin, or what version I could throw together while cooking last night's dinner (side note--I like to cook two or three things at once.  It's challenging, and I'm a spaz, so I have a hard time focusing on just one thing.  I prefer a more schizophrenic approach to meal preparation). 

As I was slicing a FIL garden cuke for quick pickles, I thinly sliced a section and set it aside.  I chopped up a ton of lettuce from this week's CSA share, and pulled the remaining black beans from the aforementioned salad out of the fridge--and spied a lonely single slice of pepperjack cheese, which got minced up and tossed in, along with extra scallions I had pre-chopped due to an excessive scallion chopping bonanza the night before.  And, since I'm just sugary sweet, I made two salads so that A wouldn't go hungry at lunch time.  With an apple and kimchi---write up coming soon--it was a tasty, fruit-and-veggie filled healthy lunch.

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