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Monday, August 9, 2010

This week's haul

1 bunch purple carrots, green tops removed
1 lb red/purple potatoes
1 lb cherry tomatoes--red, yellow and one lone purple
2 zucchini
2 summer squash
1 large heirloom cucumber
1 head green leafy lettuce

Summer's getting close to over, people! Although my CSA somewhat prolongs the inevitable.  I think I get to keep picking up my veggies until the second weekend in October.  And, if I could be so technical, summer officially runs through at least Sept 20 (maybe the 22nd) so please don't start bemoaning its end right after Labor Day.  I just can't stand to think that we only have 3 weeks left of this most glorious of seasons.

Although Fall comes after summer, and I love Fall. The smell of burning leaves, the chill in the evening air, pulling on a sweater for the first time in months, football games, pumpkins, the colors....maybe the end of summer isn't so bad after all.

1 comment:

  1. Your right sweetie. Summer isn't over until mid Sept. I am going to try Contessa's carrot salad tonight with the carrots you gave me.
